IANE-WC Inc. is a legally constituted organization which has the authority and responsibility to determine who its agents will be, and establish the policies which govern those agents which form an integral part of the IANE-WC Inc.

In this regard it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that the goals and objectives are achieved within the existing constitution of the Interprovincial Association on Native Employment Inc.

The role of IANE-WC Inc. is to serve individuals and organizations concerned with issues relating to Indigenous employment and not to replace or dominate existing relationships. The following quote from Bell/Ahenakew report 1980 sets out the feelings of the membership in this regard. “They (members) seem to feel that there are already existing groups who will intervene through the political process and that IANE should simply provide these groups with support. They (members) also felt that emphasis should be on strengthening the organizations and help them develop their information-sharing networks.”